TSB Wholesale Message Center

Message Center

6/7/2020: tsbhawaii.bank
On Sunday, June 7, Territorial Savings Bank changed its domain name from territorialsavings.net to tsbhawaii.bank to provide you an even more secure online banking experience. All .BANK domains are required to meet robust security technologies and practices, and only verified members of the banking industry can register a .BANK domain. Going forward, you should authenticate our website by looking for the “.BANK” (rather than .net) at the end of our URL.

While website redirection will remain in place for the foreseeable future, you should take a moment after our launch to update your bookmark(s) to our site in your address book.

Attention Valued Broker Partners – NEW FORMS and PROCEDURES Alert:

We have updated some important forms and procedures, of particular importance are the forms related to any loan that is for “business purpose”.

Here are the individual new forms:

Declaration of Business Purpose Form

Declaration of Non-Owner Occupancy (Rental Property) Form

Owner-Occupant Agreement Form

Agreement Regarding Loan Processing Expenses Form